Håkan Grahn's publications

Books/editorials | Journals | Conferences | Technical reports | Dissertations


  1. H. Grahn, A. Borg, and M. Boldt (editors), "Proc. of the 35th Annual Workshop of the Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society (SAIS 2023)," Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 199, June 2023, ISBN 978-91-8075-274-9. doi: https://doi.org/10.3384/ecp199
  2. L. Lundberg, H. Grahn, V. Cardellini, A. Polze, and S. Shirinbab (guest editors), "Editorial to the Special Issue on Big Data in Industrial and Commercial Applications," Big Data Research, p. 100244, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bdr.2021.100244

  3. Håkan Grahn (guest editor), "Special Issue on Transactional Memory," Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol. 70, No. 10, October 2010.

  4. Håkan Grahn (guest editor), "Special Issue: MCC08 - Multicore Computing 2008," ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News, Vol. 36, No. 5, December 2008.

  5. Håkan Grahn (editor), "Proceedings of the 1st Swedish Workshop on Multi-Core Computing," workshop home page. Also as Research Report No. 2008:07, Department of Systems and Software Engineering, School of Engineering, Blekinge Institute of Technology, November 2008, ISSN: 1103-1581.

Book chapters

  1. J. Sidorova, O. Rosander, L. Sköld, H. Grahn, and L. Lundberg, "Finding a healthy equilibrium of geo-demographic segments for a telecom business: who are malicious hotspotters?," in Machine Learning Paradigms - Advances in Data Analytics, Eds. G. Tsihrintzis, D.N. Sotiropoulos, and L.C. Jain, Intelligent Systems Reference Library 149, pp.187-196, Springer, 2019. https://www.springer.com/us/book/9783319940298

  2. E. Garcia-Martin, N. Lavesson, and H. Grahn, "Energy Efficiency Analysis of the Very Fast Decision Tree Algorithm," in Trends in Social Network Analysis: Information Propagation, User Behavior Modelling, Forecasting, and Vulnerability Assessment, Lecture Notes in Social Networks, editors R. Missaoui, T. Abdessalem, and M. Latapy, pp. 229-252, April 2017. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-53420-6_10

Journal articles

  1. J. van Dreven, V. Boeva, S. Abghari, H. Grahn, and J. Al Koussa, "A Systematic Approach for Data Generation for Intelligent Fault Detection and Diagnosis in District Heating,"" Energy, Vol. 307, 132711, October 2024. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2024.132711
  2. L. Lundberg, M. Boldt, A. Borg, and H. Grahn, "Bibliometric Mining of Research Trends in Machine Learning," AI, 5(1):208-236, January 2024. doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/ai5010012
  3. D. Ilie, H. Grahn, L. Lundberg, A. Westerhagen, B. Granbom, and A. Höök, "Avoiding Detection by Hostile Nodes in Airborne Tactical Networks," Future Internet, 15(6):204, May 2023. doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/fi15060204
  4. J. van Dreven, V. Boeva, S. Abghari, H. Grahn, J. Al Koussa, and E. Motoasca, "Intelligent Approaches to Fault Detection and Diagnosis in District Heating: Current Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities," Electronics - special issue on Smart Energy Systems Using AI and IoT Solutions, 12(6):1448, March 2023. doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics12061448

  5. C. Åleskog, H. Grahn, and A. Borg, "Recent Developments in Low-Power AI Accelerators: A Survey," Algorithms, 15(11):419, November 2022. doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/a15110419

  6. L. Lundberg and H. Grahn, "Research Trends, Enabling Technologies and Application Areas for Big Data," Algorithms, 15(8):280, August 2022. doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/a15080280

  7. C. Nordahl, V. Boeva, H. Grahn, and M. Netz, "EvolveCluster: An Evolutionary Clustering Algorithm for Streaming," Evolving Systems, 13(4):603-623, August 2022. doi: 10.1007/s12530-021-09408-y

  8. S. Petersson, H. Grahn, and J. Rasmusson, "Blind Correction of Lateral Chromatic Aberration in Raw Bayer Data," IEEE Access, 9:99455-99466, July 2021. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3096201

  9. E. Garcia-Martin, N. Lavesson, H. Grahn, E. Casalicchio, and V. Boeva, "Energy-Aware Very Fast Decision Tree," International Journal of Data Science and Analytics (JDSA), 11(2):105-126, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41060-021-00246-4.

  10. S. Abghari, V. Boeva, J. Brage, and H. Grahn, "A Higher Order Mining Approach for Analysis of Real-world Datasets," Energies, 13(21):5781, 2020. doi: 10.3390/en13215781.

  11. H. Kusetogullari, A. Yavariabdi, A. Cheddad, H. Grahn, and J. Hall, "ARDIS: A Swedish Historical Hand-written Digit Database," Neural Computing and Applications, 32(21):16505-16518, 2020. DOI: 10.1007/s00521-019-04163-3.

  12. E. Garcia-Martin, C. Rodrigues, G. Riley, and H. Grahn, "Estimation of Energy Consumption in Machine Learning," Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), 134:75-88, December 2019. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpdc.2019.07.007

  13. F. Westphal, H. Grahn, and N. Lavesson, "Efficient Document Image Binarization Using Heterogeneous Computing and Parameter Tuning," in International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR), Volume 21, Issue 1-2, pp 41-58, June 2018. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10032-017-0293-7

  14. S. Abghari, E. Garcia-Martin, C. Johansson, N. Lavesson, and H. Grahn, "Trend Analysis to Automatically Identify Heat Program Changes," Energy Procedia, 116:407-415, June 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.egypro.2017.05.088

  15. J.K. Martinsen, H. Grahn, and A. Isberg, "Combining Thread-Level Speculation and Just-In-Time Compilation in Google's V8 JavaScript Engine," Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 29(1), January 2017 (online May 2016). doi:10.1002/cpe.3826

  16. J.K. Martinsen, H. Grahn, and A. Isberg, "The Effect of Parameter Tuning in Thread-Level Speculation in JavaScript Engines," ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 46:1-46:25, January 2015, doi:10.1145/2686036.

  17. J.K. Martinsen, H. Grahn, and A. Isberg, "Heuristics for Thread-Level Speculation in Web Applications," IEEE Computer Architecture Letters, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 77-80, June-December 2014, doi 10.1109/L-CA.2013.26.

  18. J.K. Martinsen, H. Grahn, and A. Isberg, "Enhancing JavaScript Performance in Web Applications Using Speculation," IEEE Internet Computing - special issue on "Virtualization", 17(2):10-19, March/April 2013.

  19. H.M. Aziz, M. Fiedler, H. Grahn, and L. Lundberg, "Adapting the Streaming Video Based on the Estimated Motion Position," Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering - special issue on Knowledge in Telecommunication Technologies and Optics, 10(4):240-245, November 2012.

  20. C. Wohlin, A. Aurum, L. Angelis, L. Phillips, Y. Dittrich, T. Gorschek, H. Grahn, K. Henningsson, S. Kågström, G. Low, P. Rovegård, P. Tomaszewski, C. van Toorn, and J. Winter, "Success Factors Powering Industry-Academia Collaboration in Software Research," IEEE Software, 29(2):67-73, March-April 2012.

  21. H.M. Aziz, M. Fiedler, H. Grahn, and L. Lundberg, "Eliminating the Freezing Frames for the Mobile User by Using a Time Interleaving Technique," Multimedia Systems, 18(3):251-262, 2012, doi 10.1007/s00530-011-0235-z.

  22. P. Linde and H. Grahn, "Strategic Publishing Rules - a Manual for Researchers," ScieCom Info, Vol. 7, No. 4, 2011.

  23. Håkan Grahn, "Transactional Memory (draft)," Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 70(10):993-1008, 2010.

  24. Syed Muhammad Zeeshan Iqbal, Yuchen Liang, and Håkan Grahn, "ParMiBench - An Open-Source Benchmark for Embedded Multiprocessor Systems," IEEE Computer Architecture Letters, 9(2):45-48, July-December 2010.

  25. Simon Kågström, Håkan Grahn, and Lars Lundberg, "The Design and Implementation of Multiprocessor Support for an Industrial Operating System Kernel," International Journal of Computers and Their Applications, 16(1):59-68, March 2009.

  26. Piotr Tomaszewski, Jim Håkansson, Håkan Grahn, and Lars Lundberg, "Statistical Models vs. Expert Estimation for Fault Prediction in Modified Code - an Industrial Case Study," Journal of Systems and Software, 80(8):1227-1238, August 2007.

  27. Piotr Tomaszewski, Lars Lundberg, and Håkan Grahn, "Improving Fault Detection in Modified Code - A Study from the Telecommunication Industry," Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST TOC), 22(3):397-409, May 2007.

  28. Simon Kågström, Håkan Grahn, and Lars Lundberg, "The Application Kernel Approach - A Novel Approach for Adding SMP Support to Uniprocessor Operating Systems," Software: Practice and Experience, 36(14):1563-1583, November 2006.

  29. Håkan Grahn and Per Stenström, "A Comparative Evaluation of Hardware-Only and Software-Only Directory Protocols in Shared-Memory Multiprocessors (pdf)," Journal of Systems Architecture, 50(9):537-561 (September 2004).

  30. Magnus Broberg, Lars Lundberg, and Håkan Grahn, "Performance Optimization Using Critical Path Analysis in Multithreaded Programs on Multiprocessors," Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 61(1):115-136 (January 2001).

  31. Håkan Grahn and Per Stenström, "Comparative Evaluation of Latency-Tolerating and -Reducing Techniques for Hardware-Only and Software-Only Directory Protocols," Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 60(7):807-834 (July 2000).

  32. Per Stenström, Mats Brorsson, Fredrik Dahlgren, Håkan Grahn, and Michel Dubois, "Boosting the Performance of Shared Memory Multiprocessors," IEEE Computer, 30(7):63-70 (July 1997).

  33. Håkan Grahn and Per Stenström, "Evaluation of a Competitive-Update Cache Coherence Protocol with Migratory Data Detection (postscript)," Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 39(2):168-180 (December 1996).

  34. Håkan Grahn, Per Stenström, and Michel Dubois, "Implementation and Evaluation of Update-Based Cache Protocols Under Relaxed Memory Consistency Models," Future Generation Computer Systems, 11(3):247-271 (June 1995).

Peer-reviewed Conference and Workshop papers


  1. J. Ahlstrand, M. Boldt, A. Borg, and H. Grahn, "Using Transformers for B2B Contractual Churn Prediction Based on Customer Behavior Data," 27th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2025), pp. XX-YY, April 2025, Porto, Portugal. Accepted, to appear.
  2. N. Pelgrom, M. Ericsson, J. Hagelbäck, J. Nordqvist, and H. Grahn, "Using ChatGPT as a combined invoice OCR and key-value extractor," 10th International Conference on Big Data Analytics (ICBDA 2025), pp. XX-YY, March 2025, Singapore. Accepted, to appear.
  3. A. Javeed, A. Borg, H. Grahn, L. Lundberg, D. Patel, and S. Shirinbab, "Improving Cloud Efficiency: A Machine Learning-Based Stacking Model for CPU Utilization Prediction," 8th International Conference on Data Science and Machine Learning (CDMA2025), pp. XX-YY, February 2025, Riyadh, KSA. Accepted, to appear.
  4. 2024

  5. N. Pelgrom, M. Ericsson, J. Hagelbäck, J. Nordqvist, and H. Grahn, "Hallucinations and training-data bias: results from two number transcription experiments using GPT models," 11th Annual Conf. on Computational Science & Computational Intelligence (CSCI'24), pp. XX-YY, December 2024, Las Vegas, USA.
  6. J. Ahlstrand, M. Boldt, A. Borg, and H. Grahn, "Predicting B2B Customer Churn using a Time Series Approach," The International Conference on Intelligent Data Science Technologies and Applications (IDSTA2024), pp. XX-YY, September 2024, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
  7. C. Åleskog, H. Grahn, and A. Borg, "A Comparative Study on Simulation Frameworks for AI Accelerator Evaluation," in 14th International Workshop on Accelerators and Hybrid Emerging Systems (AsHES), IPDPS Workshops 2024, pp. 321-328, May 2024. doi: https://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/IPDPSW63119.2024.00073
  8. T. Kasthuri Arachchige, V. Boeva, S. Abghari, H. Grahn, and E. Casalicchio, "Monitoring Heterogeneous Clients' Behaviour in Federated Learning," in Ph.D. Forum, 22nd International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA 2024), May 2024. (poster)
  9. L. Lundberg, A. Westerhagen, D. Ilie, H. Grahn, and B. Granbom, "Dynamic Forward Error Correction Coding to Avoid Detection in Airborne Tactical Networks," in International Conference on Military Communication and Information Systems (ICMCIS 2024), pp. 1-7, April 2024, Koblenz, Germany. doi: https://doi.org/10.1109/ICMCIS61231.2024.10540797
  10. 2023

  11. J. van Dreven, V. Boeva, S. Abghari, H. Grahn, J. Al Koussa, and E. Motoasca, "A Systematic Approach for Data Generation for Intelligent Fault Detection and Diagnosis in District Heating," in 9th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems, September 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark. (abstract)
  12. C. Nordahl, V. Boeva, and H. Grahn, "MultiStream EvolveCluster," in 36th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Canadian AI 2023), June 2023, Montreal, Canada. Online proceedings: https://caiac.pubpub.org/ai2023
  13. V. Sundstedt, V. Boeva, H.-J. Zepernick, P. Goswami, A. Cheddad, K. Tutschku, H. Grahn, E. Casalicchio, M. Fiedler, E. Mendes, S. Abghari, Y. Hu, V. Garro, T.M.C. Chu, L. Lundberg, and P. Arlos, "HINTS: Human-Centered Intelligent Realities," in 35th Annual Workshop of the Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society (SAIS'23), Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 199, pp. 9-17, June 2023, Karlskrona, Sweden. (full paper) doi: https://doi.org/10.3384/ecp199
  14. J. Ahlstrand, M. Boldt, A. Borg, and H. Grahn, "Preliminary Results on the use of Artificial Intelligence for Managing Customer Life Cycles," in 35th Annual Workshop of the Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society (SAIS'23), Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 199, pp. 68-76, June 2023, Karlskrona, Sweden. (full paper) doi: https://doi.org/10.3384/ecp199
  15. J. van Dreven, V. Boeva, S. Abghari, H. Grahn, J. Al Koussa, and E. Motoasca, "A Data Generation Approach for Intelligent Fault Detection and Diagnosis in District Heating," in 35th Annual Workshop of the Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society (SAIS'23), June 2023, Karlskrona, Sweden. (extended abstract)
  16. 2022

  17. J. van Dreven, V. Boeva, S. Abghari, H. Grahn, J. Al Koussa, and E. Motoasca, "Intelligent Approaches for Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Building Substations: A Position Paper," in 14th International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings (SEB-22), September 2022. Published as Sustainability in Energy and Buildings: Research Advances, Vol 10, pp. 33-38.


  18. S. Abghari, V. Boeva, J. Brage, and H. Grahn, "Multi-view Clustering Analyses for District Heating Sub-stations," in 9th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2020), pp. 158-168, July 2020, Lieusaint-Paris, France. doi: 10.5220/0009780001580168

  19. F. Westphal, H. Grahn, and N. Lavesson, "Representative Image Selection for Data Efficient Word Spotting," in 14th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS 2020), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12116, pp. 383-397, July 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-57058-3_27


  20. S. Abghari, V. Boeva, J. Brage, C. Johansson, H. Grahn, and N. Lavesson "Higher Order Mining for Monitoring District Heating Substations," in 6th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA 2019), pp. 382-391, October 2019, Washington DC, USA. doi: 10.1109/DSAA.2019.00053

  21. F. Westphal, N. Lavesson, and H. Grahn, "Learning Character Recognition with Graph-Based Privileged Information," in 15th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), pp. 1163-1168, September 2019, Sydney, Australia. doi: 10.1109/ICDAR.2019.00188

  22. S. Abghari, V. Boeva, C. Johansson, J. Brage, H. Grahn, and N. Lavesson, "Data Analysis Techniques for Monitoring District Heating Substations," in 5th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems, September 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark. (abstract and presentation)

  23. C. Nordahl, V. Beova, H. Grahn, and M. Persson Netz, "Monitoring Household Electricity Consumption Behavior for Mining Changes," in 3rd Workshop on AI for Aging, Rehabilitation and Independent Assisted Living (ARIAL@IJCAI 2019), August 2019, Macao, China.

  24. F. Westphal, N. Lavesson, and H. Grahn, "A Case for Guided Machine Learning," in International IFIP Cross-Domain Conference for Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction (CD-MAKE 2019), Eds. A. Holzinger, P. Kieseberg, A. Tjoa, and E. Weippl, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11713. Springer, Cham. pp. 353-361, August 2019, Canterbury, UK. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-29726-8_22

  25. C. Nordahl, V. Boeva, H. Grahn, and M. Persson Netz, "Profiling of Household Residents' Electricity Consumption Behavior using Clustering Analysis," in 19th International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2019), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11540, pp. 779-786, June 2019, Faro, Algarve, Portugal. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-22750-0_78

  26. S. Abghari, V. Boeva, J. Brage, C. Johansson, H. Grahn, and N. Lavesson "Monitoring District Heating Substations via Clustering Analysis," in 32nd Annual Workshop of the Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society (SAIS 2019), Umeå University, June 2019, Umeå, Sweden.


  27. S. Abghari, V. Boeva, N. Lavesson, H. Grahn, S. Ickin, and J. Gustafsson, "A Minimum Spanning Tree Clustering Approach for Outlier Detection in Event Sequences," in 17th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2018), Special Session: Machine Learning Algorithms, Systems and Applications, pp. 1123-1130, December 2018, Orlando, USA. doi: 10.1109/ICMLA.2018.00182

  28. F. Westphal, H. Grahn, and N. Lavesson, "User Feedback and Uncertainty in User Guided Binarization," in 1st Int'l Workshop on Developmental Learning (DELL@ICDM'18), November 2018, Singapore.

  29. S. Abghari, V. Boeva, N. Lavesson, H. Grahn, S. Ickin, and J. Gustafsson, "A Minimum Spanning Tree Clustering Approach for Mining Sequence Datasets," in 6th Swedish Workshop on Data Science (SweDS 2018), Umeå University, November 2018, Umeå, Sweden.

  30. C. Nordahl, V. Boeva, H. Grahn, and M. Netz, "Detecting abnormal behavior of elderlies by analyzing energy consumption of individual households," in 6th Swedish Workshop on Data Science (SweDS 2018), Umeå University, November 2018, Umeå, Sweden.

  31. E. Garcia-Martin, N. Lavesson, H. Grahn, E. Casalicchio, and V. Boeva, "How to Measure Energy Consumption in Machine Learning algorithms," in 1st Int'l Workshop on Energy Efficient Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (GreenDataMining), ECML PKDD workshop, September 2018, Dublin, Ireland. Eds. C. Alzate et al., ECML PKDD 2018 Workshops, pp 243-255, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11329. Springer, Cham. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-13453-2_20

  32. E. Garcia-Martin, N. Lavesson, H. Grahn, E. Casalicchio, and V. Boeva, "Hoeffding Trees with nmin adaptation," in 5th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA 2018), pp. 70-79, October 2018, Turin, Italy. doi: 10.1109/DSAA.2018.00017

  33. S. Abghari, V. Boeva, N. Lavesson, H. Grahn, J. Gustafsson, and J. Shaikh, "Outlier Detection in Video Session Data Using Sequential Pattern Mining," in ODD v5.0: Outlier Detection De-constructed (ACM SIGKDD 2018 Workshop), August 2018, London, U.K.

  34. C. Nordahl, V. Beova, H. Grahn, and M. Persson, "Organizing, Visualizing and Understanding Households Electricity Consumption Data through Clustering Analysis," in 2nd Workshop on AI for Aging, Rehabilitation and Independent Assisted Living (ARIAL@IJCAI'18), July 2018, Stockholm, Sweden.

  35. F. Westphal, N. Lavesson, and H. Grahn, "Document Image Binarization Using Recurrent Neural Networks," in 13th IAPR Int'l Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS 2018), April 2018, Vienna, Austria.


  36. S. Abghari, V. Boeva, N. Lavesson, J. Gustafsson, J. Shaikh, and H. Grahn, ``Anomaly Detection in Video Data Sessions,'' in 5th Swedish Workshop on Data Science (SweDS 2017), December 2017, Göteborg, Sweden.

  37. E. Garcia-Martin, N. Lavesson, H. Grahn, E. Casalicchio, and V. Boeva, ``Adaptive Very Fast Decision Tree --- Preliminary Results,'' in 5th Swedish Workshop on Data Science (SweDS 2017), December 2017, Göteborg, Sweden.

  38. C. Nordahl, M. Persson, and H. Grahn, ``Detecting abnormal behavior of elderlies by analyzing energy consumption of individual households,'' in 5th Swedish Workshop on Data Science (SweDS 2017), December 2017, Göteborg, Sweden.

  39. F. Westphal, N. Lavesson, and H. Grahn, ``Document Image Binarization Using Recurrent Neural Networks,'' in 5th Swedish Workshop on Data Science (SweDS 2017), December 2017, Göteborg, Sweden.

  40. E. Garcia-Martin, N. Lavesson, H. Grahn, E. Casalicchio, and V. Boeva, "Adaptive Very Fast Decision Tree, preliminary results," in 12th Women in Machine Learning Workshop (WiML 2017), in conjunction with NIPS 2017), December 2017, Long Beach, CA, USA. Poster presentation.

  41. C. Nordahl, M. Persson, and H. Grahn, "Detection of Residents' Abnormal Behaviour by Analysing Energy Consumption of Individual Households," in 1st Workshop on Data mining for Aging, Rehabilitation and Independent Assisted Living (ARIAL 2017), 2017 IEEE Int'l Conf. on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), pp. 729-738, November 2017, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. doi: 10.1109/ICDMW.2017.101

  42. A. Cheddad, H. Kusetogullari, and H. Grahn, "Object Recognition using Shape Growth Pattern," in 10th Int'l Symp. on Image and Signal Processing Analysis (ISPA 2017), pp. 47-52, September 2017, Ljubljana, Slovenia. doi: https://doi.org/10.1109/ISPA.2017.8073567

  43. J. Sidorova, L. Lundberg, O. Rosander, H. Grahn, and L. Sköld, "Recommendations for Marketing Campaigns in Telecommunication Business based on the Footprint Analysis: Who is a good client?," in 8th Int'l Conf. on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA 2017), pp. XX-YY, August 2017, Larnaca, Cyprus.

  44. E. Garcia-Martin, N. Lavesson, and H. Grahn, "Identification of Energy Hotspots: A case study of the Very Fast Decision Tree Algorithm," in Recent Advances in Green, Pervasive and Cloud Computing - 12th International Conference on Green, Pervasive and Cloud Computing (GPC 2017), pp. 267-281, May 2017, Cetara, Italy.

  45. E. Garcia-Martin, N. Lavesson, H. Grahn, and V. Boeva, "Energy Efficiency in Machine Learning: A position paper," in 30th Annual Workshop of the Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society (SAIS 2017), pp. 68-72, May 2017, Karlskrona, Sweden.


  46. H. Kusetogullari, H. Grahn, and N. Lavesson, "Handwriting Image Enhancement Using Local Learning Windowing, Gaussian Mixture Model and K-Means Clustering," in Proc. of the 16th IEEE Int'l Symp. on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT 2016), pp. 305-310, Dec. 2016, Limassol, Cyprus. doi: 10.1109/ISSPIT.2016.7886054

  47. S. Petersson, H. Grahn, and J. Rasmusson, "Color Demosaicing using Structural Instability," in Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM-2016), pp. 541-544, Dec. 2016, San Jose, CA, USA. doi: 10.1109/ISM.2016.0119

  48. S. Abghari, N. Lavesson, and H. Grahn, "Market Share Prediction Based on Scenario Analysis Using a Naive Bayes Model," in Proc. of the 4th Swedish Workshop on Data Science (SweDS 2016), November 2016, Skövde, Sweden.

  49. E. Garcia-Martin, N. Lavesson, and H. Grahn, "Energy Efficiency in Machine Learning," in Proc. of the 4th Swedish Workshop on Data Science (SweDS 2016), November 2016, Skövde, Sweden.

  50. F. Westphal, H. Grahn, and N. Lavesson, "Efficient Parameter Tuning for Image Binarization," in Proc. of the 4th Swedish Workshop on Data Science (SweDS 2016), November 2016, Skövde, Sweden.

  51. S. Abghari, E. Garcia-Martin, C. Johansson, N. Lavesson, and H. Grahn, "Trend analysis to automatically identify heat program changes," in Proc. of the 15th Int'l Symp. on District Heating and Cooling (DHC- 2016), p. 388-394 (electronic proceedings), September 2016, Seoul, Korea.

  52. M. Danielsson, T. Sievert, H. Grahn, and J. Rasmusson, "Feature Detection and Description using a Harris-Hessian/FREAK Combination on an Embedded GPU," in Proc. of the 5th Int'l Conf. on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2016), pp. 517-525, February 2016, Rome, Italy. doi: 10.5220/0005662005170525

  53. F. Westphal, H. Grahn, and N. Lavesson, "A Binarization Pipeline for Historical Handwritten Documents," in Proc. of the Family History Technology Workshop (FHTW 2016), February 2016, Provo, Utah, USA. Electronic proceedings at https://fhtw.byu.edu/archive/2016


  54. E. Nilsson, D. Aarno, E. Carstensen, and H. Grahn, "Accelerating Graphics in the Simics Full-system Simulator," Proc. of the 23rd IEEE Int'l Symp. on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS), pp. 150-153, October 2015, Atlanta, GA, USA.

  55. E. Garcia Martin, N. Lavesson, and H. Grahn, "Energy Efficiency in Data Stream Mining," Proc. of the Int'l Symp. on Foundations and Applications of Big Data Analytics (FAB 2015), pp. 1125-1132, August 2015, Paris, France. doi: 10.1145/2808797.2808863

  56. L. Lundberg, H. Grahn, D. Ilie, and C. Melander, "Cache Support in a High Performance Fault-tolerant Distributed Storage System for Cloud and Big Data," Proc. of the High Performance Big Data and Cloud Computing Workshop (HPBC), IPDPS Workshops 2015, pp. 537-546, May 2015, Hyderabad, India. doi: 10.1109/IPDPSW.2015.65


  57. S. Petersson and H. Grahn, "Improving Image Quality by SSIM Based Increase of Run-Length Zeros in GPGPU JPEG Encoding," Proc. of the 48th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems & Computers, pp. 1714-1718, November 2014, Pacific Grove, CA, USA. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ACSSC.2014.7094760

  58. J.K. Martinsen, H. Grahn, A. Isberg, and H. Sundström, "Reducing Memory in Software-Based Thread-Level Speculation for JavaScript Virtual Machine Execution of Web Applications," Proc. of the 16th IEEE International Conference on High Performance and Communications (HPCC-2014), pp. 181-184, August 2014, Paris, France. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/HPCC.2014.34

  59. J.K. Martinsen, H. Grahn, and A. Isberg, "An Argument for Thread-Level Speculation and Just-in-Time Compilation in the Google's V8 JavaScript Engine," Proc. of the ACM Int'l Conf. on Computing Frontiers 2014 (CF'14), article 25, May 2014, Cagliari, Italy.


  60. J.K. Martinsen, H. Grahn, and A. Isberg, "Preliminary Results of Combining Thread-Level Speculation and Just-in-Time Compilation in Google's V8," Proc. of the 6th Swedish workshop on Multicore Computing (MCC-13), pp. 37-40, November 2013, Halmstad, Sweden.

  61. H.M. Aziz, M. Fiedler, H. Grahn, and L. Lundberg, "Compressing Video Based on Region of Interest," IEEE Eurocon 2013, pp. 1645-1652, July 2013, Zagreb, Croatia.

  62. S.M.Z. Iqbal, H. Grahn, and J. Törnquist Krasemann, "Multi-Strategy Based Train Re-Scheduling During Railway Traffic Disturbances," Proc. of the 5th International Seminar on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis (RailCopenhagen), May 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark.


  63. H.M. Aziz, M. Fiedler, H. Grahn, and L. Lundberg, "Adapting the Streaming Video Based on the Estimate Position of the Region of Interest," Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology and Internet-Based Systems (SITIS 2012), pp. 1-7, November 2012, Sorrento - Naples, Italy.

  64. J.K. Martinsen, H. Grahn, and A. Isberg, "A Limit Study of Thread-Level Speculation in JavaScript Engines --- Initial Results," Proc. of the 5th Swedish workshop on Multicore Computing (MCC-12), pp. 75-82, November 2012, Stockholm, Sweden.

  65. S.M.Z. Iqbal, H. Grahn, and J. Törnquist Krasemann, "A Comparative Evaluation of Re-scheduling Strategies for Train Dispatching during Disturbances," Proc. of the 13th Int'l Conf. on Design and Operation in Railway Engineering (Computers in Railways XIII / CompRail 2012), pp. 567-579, September 2012, New Forest, UK.

  66. H.M. Aziz, M. Fiedler, H. Grahn, and L. Lundberg, "Distribute the Video Frame Pixels over the Streaming Video Sequence as Sub-Frames," Proc. of the 4th Int'l Conf. on Advances in Multimedia (MMEDIA 2012), pp. 131-141, April/May 2012, Chamonix, France.

  67. S.M.Z. Iqbal, H. Grahn, and J. Törnquist Krasemann, "A Parallel Heuristic For Fast Train Dispatching During Railway Traffic Disturbances --- Early Results," Proc. of the First Int'l Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES 2012), pp. 405-414, February 2012, Algarve, Portugal.


  68. J.K. Martinsen and H. Grahn, "A Methodology for Evaluating JavaScript Execution Behavior in Interactive Web Applications," Proc. of the 9th ACS/IEEE Int'l Conference on Computer Systems And Applications (AICCSA 2011), pp. 241-248, December 2011, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.

  69. H. Grahn, N. Lavesson, M. Hellborg Lapajne, and D. Slat, "CudaRF: A CUDA-based Implementation of Random Forests," Proc. of the 9th ACS/IEEE Int'l Conference on Computer Systems And Applications (AICCSA 2011), pp. 95-101, December 2011, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.

  70. J.K. Martinsen, H. Grahn, and A. Isberg, "The Effect of Thread-Level Speculation on a Set of Well-known Web Applications," Proc. of the 4th Swedish workshop on Multicore Computing (MCC-11), pp. 57-62, November 2011, Linköping, Sweden.

  71. S.M.Z. Iqbal, H. Grahn, and J. Törnquist Krasemann, "A Parallel DFS Algorithm for Train Re-scheduling During Traffic Disturbances --- Early Results," Proc. of the 4th Swedish workshop on Multicore Computing (MCC-11), pp. 115-120, November 2011, Linköping, Sweden.

  72. J.K. Martinsen, H. Grahn, and A. Isberg, "A Comparative Evaluation of JavaScript Execution Behavior," Proc. of the 11th Int'l Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2011), Lecture Notes in Computer Science No. 6757, pp. 399-402, June 2011, Paphos, Cyprus.

  73. J.K. Martinsen and H. Grahn, "Thread-Level Speculation as an Optimization Technique in Web Applications - Initial Results," Proc. of the 6th IEEE Int'l Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES'11), pp. 83-86, June 2011, Västerås, Sweden.

  74. M. Behnam, F. Nemati, T. Nolte, and H. Grahn, "Towards Efficient Approach for Resource Sharing in Real-Time Multiprocessor Systems," Proc. of the 6th IEEE Int'l Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES'11), pp. 99-102, June 2011, Västerås, Sweden.

  75. H. Grahn and J. Törnquist Krasemann, "A Parallel Re-Scheduling Algorithm for Railway Traffic Disturbance Management --- Initial Results," Proc. of the 2nd Int'l Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS 2011), pp. XX-YY, June 2011, Leuven, Belgium.


  76. Håkan Grahn, Niklas Lavesson, Mikael Hellborg Lapajne, and Daniel Slat, "A CUDA Implementation of Random Forests - Early Results," Proc. of the Third Swedish Workshop on Multi-Core Computing (MCC-10), pages 33-38, November 2010, Göteborg, Sweden.

  77. Jan Kasper Martinsen and Håkan Grahn, "An alternative optimization technique for JavaScript engines," Proc. of the Third Swedish Workshop on Multi-Core Computing (MCC-10), pages 155-160, November 2010, Göteborg, Sweden.

  78. Jan Kasper Martinsen and Håkan Grahn, "A Comparative Evaluation of the Execution Behavior of JavaScript Benchmarks and Real-World Web Applications," Poster Proc. of the 28th International Symposium on Computer Performance, Modeling, Measurements and Evaluation (Performance-2010), pages 27-28, November 2010, Namur, Belgium. (poster presentation)

  79. Hussein Aziz, Markus Fiedler, Håkan Grahn, and Lars Lundberg, "Streaming Video as Space-Divided Sub-Frames over Wireless Networks," Proc. of the 3rd Joint IFIP Wireless Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC'2010), pages XX-YY, October 2010, Budapest, Hungary.

  80. Hussein Aziz, Håkan Grahn, and Lars Lundberg, "Sub-Frame Crossing for Streaming Video over Wireless Networks," Proc. of the Seventh International Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services (WONS), pages 53-56, February 2010, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia.


  81. Jan Kasper Martinsen and Håkan Grahn, "Thread-Level Speculation for Web Applications," Proc. of the Second Swedish Workshop on Multi-Core Computing (MCC-09), pages 80-88, November 2009, Uppsala, Sweden.

  82. Hussein Aziz, Håkan Grahn, and Lars Lundberg, "Eliminating the Freezing Frames for the Mobile User over Unreliable Wireless Networks," Proc. of the ACM Mobility Conference 2009, pages 57:1--57:4, September 2009, Nice, France. (short paper)


  83. Sajid Hussain and Håkan Grahn, "Tracking Data Structures Coherency in Animated Ray Tracing: Kalman and Wiener Filters Approach," Proc. of the Fourth International Symposium on Advances in Visual Computing (ISVC 2008), Lecture Notes in Computer Science No. 5358, pages 1102-1114, December 2008, Las Vegas, USA.

  84. Sajid Hussain and Håkan Grahn, "Tracking Data Structures Coherency in Animated Ray Tracing for Real-Time 3D-Rendering," Proc. of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies (ICET-2008), pages 315-320, October 2008, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

  85. Sajid Hussain, Håkan Grahn, and Jan Persson, "Feature-preserving Mesh Simplification: A Vertex Cover Approach," Proc. of the IADIS International Conference on Computer Graphics and Visualization 2008 (CGV 2008), pages 270-275, July 2008, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. (short paper)

  86. Sajid Hussain and Håkan Grahn, "Ranking Journals, Conferences and Authors in Computer Graphics: A Fuzzy Reasoning," Proc. of the IADIS International Conference on Informatics 2008, pages 75-80, July 2008, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  87. Sajid Hussain, Håkan Grahn, and Jan Persson, "Feature-Preserving Mesh Simplification: A Greedy Vertex Cover," Proc. of the 26th Computer Graphics International Conference (CGI-2008), pages 312-315, June 2008, Istanbul, Turkey. (short paper)

  88. Simon Kågström, Håkan Grahn, and Lars Lundberg, "Optimizations in the Cibyl Binary Translator for J2ME Devices," Proc. of the 12th Workshop on Interaction between Compilers and Computer Architectures (INTERACT-12), pages XX-YY, February 2008, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.


  89. Sajid Hussain and Håkan Grahn, "Fast kd-Tree Construction for 3D-Rendering Algorithms Like Ray Tracing," Proc. of the Third International Symposium on Advances in Visual Computing (ISVC 2007), Lecture Notes in Computer Science No. 4842, pages 681-690, November 2007, Lake Tahoe, USA.

  90. Simon Kågström, Håkan Grahn, and Lars Lundberg, "Cibyl - an Environment for Language Diversity on Mobile Devices," Proc. of the Third ACM/Usenix International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE 2007), pages 75-82, June 13-15, 2007, San Diego, USA.


  91. Piotr Tomaszewski, Håkan Grahn, and Lars Lundberg, "A Method for an Accurate Early Prediction of Faults in Modified Classes," Proc. of the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM-2006), pages 487-496, September 25-27, 2006, Philadelphia, USA.

  92. Michael Mattsson, Håkan Grahn, and Frans Mårtensson, "Software Architecture Evaluation Methods for Performance, Maintainability, Testability, and Portability," Second International Conference on the Quality of Software Architectures (QoSA 2006), June 27-29, 2006, Västerås, Sweden. (short paper)

  93. Piotr Tomaszewski, Jim Håkansson, Lars Lundberg, and Håkan Grahn, "The Accuracy of Fault Prediction in Modified Code -- Statistical Model vs. Expert Estimation," Proc. of the 13th Annual IEEE International Conference on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems (ECBS-2006), pages 334-343, March 27-30, 2006, Potsdam, Germany. The paper received Best Paper Award at the conference.


  94. Piotr Tomaszewski, Lars Lundberg, and Håkan Grahn, "Increasing the Efficiency of Fault Detection in Modified Code," Proc. of the 12th IEEE Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2005), pages 421-430, December 15-17, 2005, Taipei, Taiwan.

  95. Frans Mårtensson, Håkan Grahn, and Michael Mattsson, "Forming Consensus on Testability in Software Developing Organizations," Proc. of the Fifth Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice in Sweden (SERPS'05), pages 31-38, October 20-21, 2005, Västerås, Sweden.

  96. Piotr Tomaszewski, Lars Lundberg, and Håkan Grahn, "The Accuracy of Early Fault Prediction in Modified Code," Proc. of the Fifth Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice in Sweden (SERPS'05), pages 57-63, October 20-21, 2005, Västerås, Sweden.

  97. Simon Kågström, Håkan Grahn, and Lars Lundberg, "Experiences from Implementing Multiprocessor Support for an Industrial Operating System Kernel," Proc. of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2005), pages 365-368, August 17-19, 2005, Hong Kong, China.

  98. Frans Mårtensson, Håkan Grahn, and Michael Mattsson, "Evaluating Software Quality Attributes of Communication Components in an Automated Guided Vehicle System," Proc. of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer System (ICECCS-2005), pages 550-558, June 16-20, 2005, Shanghai, China.

  99. Simon Kågström, Håkan Grahn, and Lars Lundberg, "Automatic Low Overhead Instrumentation with the LOPI Framework," Proc. of the 9th Workshop on Interaction between Compilers and Computer Architectures (INTERACT-9), pages 82-93, February 13, 2005, San Francisco, CA, USA.


  100. Frans Mårtensson, Håkan Grahn, and Michael Mattsson, "Prototype-based Software Architecture Evaluation -- Component Quality Attribute Evaluation," Proc. of the Fourth Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice in Sweden (SERPS'04), pages 11-17, October 21-22, 2004, Linköping, Sweden.

  101. Simon Kågström, Lars Lundberg, and Håkan Grahn, "A Novel Approach for Adding Multiprocessor Support to a Large and Complex Uniprocessor Kernel," Proc. of the 18th Int'l Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2004), page 60a (electronic proceedings), April 26-30, 2004, Santa Fe, N.M., USA.


  102. Frans Mårtensson, Håkan Grahn, and Michael Mattsson, "An Approach for Performance Evaluation of Software Architectures using Prototyping," Proc. of the IASTED Int'l Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (SEA 2003), pages 605-612, November 3-5, 2003, Marina Del Rey, CA, USA.

  103. Frans Mårtensson, Per Jönsson, PerOlof Bengtsson, Håkan Grahn, and Michael Mattsson, "A Case Against Continuous Simulation for Software Architecture Evaluation," Proc. of the IASTED Int'l Conference on Applied Simulation and Modelling (ASM 2003), pages 97-105, September 3-5, 2003, Marbella, Spain.


  104. Magnus Broberg, Lars Lundberg, and Håkan Grahn, "Selecting Simulation Models when Predicting Parallel Program Behaviour," Proc. of the ISCA 15th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems (PDCS-2002), pages 165-172, September 19-21, 2002, Louisville, KY, USA.

  105. Håkan Grahn and Marcus Holgersson, "An Approach for Performance Measurements in Distributed CORBA Applications," Proc. of the 20th IASTED Int'l Multi-Conference on Applied Informatics (AI 2002), symposium Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks, pages 326-337, February 18-21, 2002, Innsbruck, Austria.


  106. Magnus Broberg, Lars Lundberg, and Håkan Grahn, "An Allocation Strategy Using Shadow-processors and Simulation Technique," Proc. of the ISCA 14th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems (PDCS-2001), pages 387-394, August 8-10, 2001, Dallas, USA.

  107. Magnus Broberg, Lars Lundberg, and Håkan Grahn, "A Tool for Binding Threads to Processors," Proc. of Euro-Par 2001, pages 57-61, August 28-31, 2001, Manchester, UK.


  108. Mikael Svahnberg, Paul Davidsson, and Håkan Grahn, "ABOS - an Agent-Based Operating System," Proc. of the Fourth International Conference and Exhibition on The Practical Application of Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agents (PAAM'99), pages 469-470, April 19-21, 1999, London, UK.

  109. Magnus Broberg, Lars Lundberg, and Håkan Grahn, "Visualization and Performance Prediction of Multithreaded Solaris Programs by Tracing Kernel Threads (postscript)," Proc. of the 13th International Parallel Processing Symposium & 10th Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing (IPPS/SPDP 1999), pages 407-413, April 12-16, 1999, San Juan, Puerto Rico.


  110. Håkan Grahn and Jan Bosch, "Some Initial Performance Characteristics of Three Architectural Styles (postscript)," Proc. of the First International Workshop on Software and Performance (WOSP '98), pages 197-198, October 12-16, 1998, Santa Fe, New Mexico. (Slides: PDF and PS)

  111. Peter S. Magnusson, Fredrik Dahlgren, Håkan Grahn, Magnus Karlsson, Fredrik Larsson, Fredrik Lundholm, Andreas Moestedt, Jim Nilsson, Per Stenström, and Bengt Werner, "SimICS/sun4m: A Virtual Workstation (postscript, html)," Proc. of the 1998 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, June 15-18, 1998, New Orleans, Lousiana.

  112. Magnus Broberg, Lars Lundberg, and Håkan Grahn, "VPPB - The Second Version: An Approach to Monitor Solaris Kernel Threads," Proc. of the Seventh Swedish Workshop on Computer Systems Architecture, pages 31-33, June 1998. (extended abstract)

  113. Peter S. Magnusson, Fredrik Dahlgren, Håkan Grahn, Magnus Karlsson, Fredrik Larsson, Fredrik Lundholm, Andreas Moestedt, Jim Nilsson, Per Stenström, and Bengt Werner, "SimICS/sun4m: A Virtual Workstation," Proc. of the Seventh Swedish Workshop on Computer Systems Architecture, pages 35-40, June 1998. (extended abstract)

  114. Magnus Broberg, Lars Lundberg, and Håkan Grahn, "VPPB - A Visualization and Performance Prediction Tool for Multithreaded Solaris Programs (postscript)," Proc. of the 12th International Parallel Processing Symposium, pages 770-776, March-April 1998.


  115. Håkan Grahn and Per Stenström, "Relative Performance of Hardware and Software-Only Directory Protocols Under Latency Tolerating and Reducing Techniques," Proc. of the 11th International Parallel Processing Symposium, pages 500-506, April 1997. Also presented at 6th Workshop on Scalable Shared-Memory Multiprocessors, October 1996. (Slides: BIG and small)


  116. Håkan Grahn and Per Stenström, "Efficient Strategies for Software-Only Directory Protocols in Shared-Memory Multiprocessors," Proceedings of the 22nd Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, pages 38-47, June 1995. (paper size: A4, US letter).

  117. Håkan Grahn and Per Stenström, "Efficient Strategies for Software-Only Directory Protocols in Shared-Memory Multiprocessors," Proc. of the Sixth Swedish Workshop on Computer System Architecture, pages 25-27, June 1995.


  118. Håkan Nilsson (now Grahn) and Per Stenström, "An Adaptive Update-Based Cache Coherence Protocol for Reduction of Miss Rate and Traffic," Proc. of PARLE '94 (Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe), Lecture Notes in Computer Science No. 817, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pages 363-374, July 1994. The paper received Best Paper Award at the conference.


  119. Håkan Nilsson (now Grahn), Per Stenström, and Michel Dubois, "Design of a Processor Node for Scalable Shared-Memory Multiprocessors," Proc. of the Fifth Swedish Workshop on Computer Systems Architecture, pages 46-47, June 1993.

  120. Mats Brorsson, Fredrik Dahlgren, Håkan Nilsson (now Grahn), and Per Stenström, "The CacheMire Test Bench - A Flexible and Effective Approach for Simulation of Multiprocessors," Proc. of the 26th Annual Simulation Symposium, pages 41-49, March 1993.

  121. Per Stenström, Håkan Nilsson (now Grahn), and Jonas Skeppstedt, "Using Graphics and Animation to Visualize Instruction Pipelining and its Hazards," Proc. of the International Conference on Simulation in Engineering Education (ICSEE'93), pages 130-135, January 1993.

  122. Håkan Nilsson (now Grahn) and Per Stenström, "Performance Evaluation of Link-Based Cache Coherence Schemes," Proc. of the 26st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, pages 486-495, January 1993.


  123. Håkan Nilsson (now Grahn) and Per Stenström, "The Scalable Tree Protocol - A Cache Coherence Approach for Large-Scale Multiprocessors," Proc. of the Fourth IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing, pages 498-506, December 1992.

Technical Reports, etc

  1. D. Ilie, H. Grahn, L. Lundberg, and A. Westerhagen, "Topology Control for Directed Data Links between Airborne Platforms --- Directed Air Data Link: WP3 report," Technical Report, Blekinge Institute of Technology, August 2023. https://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:bth-25288
  2. M. Danielsson, H. Grahn, T. Sievert, and J. Rasmusson, "Comparing Two Generations of Embedded GPUs Running a Feature Detection Algorithm," Computing Research Repository (CoRR), arXiv:1806.04859 [cs.DC], June 2018, http://arxiv.org/abs/1806.04859.
  3. Jan Kasper Martinsen, Håkan Grahn, and Anders Isberg, "Evaluating four aspects of JavaScript execution behavior in benchmarks and web applications," Research Report No. 2011:03, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden, July 2011, ISSN: 1103-1581.

  4. Karl-Filip Faxén (editor), Christer Bengtsson, Mats Brorsson, Håkan Grahn, Erik Hagersten, Bengt Jonsson, Christoph Kessler, Björn Lisper, Per Stenström, and Bertil Svensson, "Multicore computing --- the state of the art," Technical report, Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS), December 2008. The report was written by request of (and submitted to) Vinnova, Sweden. Also found at Swedish Multicore Initiative.

  5. Simon Kågström, Håkan Grahn, and Lars Lundberg, "Scalability vs. Development Effort for Multiprocessor Operating System Kernels," Department of Systems and Software Engineering, School of Engineering, Blekinge Institute of Technology, March 2008.

  6. Simon Kågström, Håkan Grahn, and Lars Lundberg, "Implementation Issues and Evolution of a Multiprocessor Operating System Port," Department of Systems and Software Engineering, School of Engineering, Blekinge Institute of Technology, January 2008.

  7. Simon Kågström, Håkan Grahn, and Lars Lundberg, "The Design and Implementation of Multiprocessor Support for an Industrial Operating System Kernel," Research Report 2005:06, Department of Systems and Software Engineering, School of Engineering, Blekinge Institute of Technology, May 2005, ISSN: 1103-1581.

  8. Håkan Grahn and Jan Bosch, "A Simulation Approach to Predict and Evaluate the Performance of Software Architectures," Research Report, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Karlskrona/Ronneby, Sweden, March 1998.

  9. Jan Bosch and Håkan Grahn, "Characterising the Performance of Three Architectural Styles," Research Report, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Karlskrona/Ronneby, Sweden, February 1998.

  10. Håkan Grahn and Per Stenström, "Architectural Support for an Efficient Implementation of a Software-Only Directory Cache Coherence Protocol," Technical Report No. 213, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Lund University, Sweden, June 1995. Presented at the Fifth Workshop on Scalable Shared-Memory Multiprocessors, June 1995.


  1. Håkan Nilsson: A Class of Directory-Based Cache Coherence Protocols -- Design Issues and Performance Evaluation, Licentiate thesis (A Swedish intermediary degree between M.Sc. and Ph.D.), Department of Computer Engineering, Lund University, Sweden, December 1993. Also as Technical Report No. 169.

  2. Håkan Grahn: Evaluation of Design Alternatives for a Directory-Based Cache Coherence Protocol in Shared-Memory Multiprocessors, Ph.D. thesis, Department of Computer Engineering, Lund University, Sweden, October 1995. Also as Technical Report No. 222.

Last updated: February 5, 2025
Note: I changed my last name from Nilsson to Grahn in 1994. Therefore, some of my old publications are published under my old name.